Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To Blog or not to Blog?

So I started blogging...
Inspired by my little big sister :)
Actually I'm not quite sure yet what I'm gonna do with this blog. I still need to give that some thought.
I'm sure it will be interesting though.
Today I'm feeling a bit lonely, just as the day before and the day before that...
Yeah...you guessed it... Lila is on a trip.
This time she's in Jordan and I wish so badly I could have gone with her, but unfortunately that is not the case.
When the Doulos was in Jordan I also wished I could have been there.
At any rate next time anyone I know is going to Jordan I'm also going!
We say in Dutch "3 maal is scheepsrechts." In English you say "3 times is the charm" right?
Are you wondering about "the mindset of an eagel"? Well I'll explain next time alright :)
Did any of you ever wish to be a breeze of wind...just kind of floating around randomly?
Its a funny thing with a breeze...it just kind of comes into existance, then it just wonders
around and eventually it dissapears or fades out completely. It is invisible, but you can feel it. You can touch it but you can't hold it.
Is this nattering what I'm doing now? I was just looking through the dictionary and came across the word "natter".
"natter; when people natter they talk casually for a long time about unimportant things."

While I'm at it let me look up the word "breeze"
"breeze; 1. a breeze is a gentle wind 2. If you breeze into a place or position, you enter it
in a very casual or relaxed manner "
The second sort of refers to me when it concerns blogging! ...I guess I breezed into it :)
Well people on that note I'll sign out. I wish each one who reads this the following Irish
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Kind greetings from Malta,


At 11:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Luke!
Via uw kleine grote zus ben ik op uw blog beland. Tof !
groetekes uit het verre Belgiƫ van een 'Breezer'

At 12:28 am, Blogger Lucas said...

Bedankt Sarah!
Hartelijke groeten terug vanuit Malta. Luke

At 3:51 am, Blogger Luke said...

heya luqa! so cool you have a blog too. as you know, i've got one. It's also nice to see a picture of you.. it's beenn.... 2 or 3 years since I've seen your face?! Too long, for sure. Anyhoo, I'll be keeping watch to see what you write (no pressure). Keep in better touch!


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