~Mindset of an Eagle~
Eagle, close up>
Eagle in flight \/
Wow, what a magnificant animal! As I promised before I would write a bit about the mindset
of an eagle. Eagles have always fascinated me ever since I went for the first time to the United States. Recently I was reminded of my fascination with these huge birds by an inspirational online message by John di Lemme. Eagles are amazing birds and in my oppinion they are
the most majestic birds on earth. Unlike many other birds when confronted by a storm the
eagle does not fly to the ground or some "safe haven" but it flies up and rises above the storm.
Many times in life this is the reason why we don't accomplish much, because as soon as we are confronted by a storm we tend to "fly to the ground", rather then soar above the storm.
In this way, with all the challenges in life, we would never get very far in life would we?
Unfortunately this is the way how many people live and I have also often been like that.
Now I am determined though to change my mindset and be like an eagle. You see the eagle
doesn't look at what others are doing, but remains focused on his target/ goal.
Therefore this animal may be called the champion amongst birds!
So let us not be lazy, negative or unfocused anymore, but rather be like the eagle;
undistracted and lazer focused with a spirit of expectation!
If we do this, great things will happen in our lives.
Some facts about eagles:
-Eagles may use the same nest year after year, adding more twigs and branches each time.
One nest was found that had been used for 34 years and weighed over two tons!
-The bald eagle can fly 20 to 40 mph in normal flight and can dive at speeds over 100 mph.
-Bald eagles can actually swim! They use an overhand movement of the wings that is very much like the butterfly stroke.
-Eagles have excellent eyesight and may be able to see six to eight times better than humans!
-Large eagles can hit their prey very hard. A bald eagle can strike with twice the force of a rifle bullet.
-The Philippene monkey-eating eagle is the second largest eagle in the world.
- Bald eagles mate for life. Average life span is 30 years.
-The eagle is aided in flight because its bones are hollow. Unbelievably, the total weight of an eagle skeletal system is only half the weight of its feathers! With a wingspan of seven to eight feet and a wide and rudder-like tail, the eagle was built to master the skies.
Ok, thats all for now on eagles and having the mindset of an eagle...more will follow later...
Today I still have many other things to do so its time to say goodbye, till next time.
At any rate don't be like a pidgeon who spend their lives
shaking about their mono-synaptic brain...or so it would seem to me :)
They hang out with the same crowd and get nowhere.
SOAR like an eagle!
Warm greetings from Malta,
Kijk, het is leuk dat je hier wat schrijft, want ik wist niet eens dat je deze fascinatie had!
nou fascinatie he...niet obsessie :) Ik ben nou ook niet helemaal gek van een aarend maar ik heb het gewoon altijd wel hele mooie vogels gevonden. Het is voor mij de Bengaalse tijger onder de vogels... Misschien dat ik binnenkort iets schrijf over de Bengaalse tijger =)
Dag zusje.
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