MV Doulos
This is a picture of me in front of the MV Doulos in Bremen. It's been quite a while since I was last on the ship. The last time was in Malta ('05) and after that there was the suprise visit of Logos Hope here in Malta (ended up staying for 4 months, till June '05!!). My brother Jaco phoned at 1700 H one day stating they (that is Logos Hope -he was chief mate at the time) were gonna arrive at around 2000 H. So I think I ended up doing the shortest line-up in OM history:-) I suggested recalling the ship "Logos HopeFULLY"! Unfortunately they rejected my preposition.... I thought they might honour it, having sailed on Logos II for a few years as well and all.....;-)
At any rate, the three years I spent on board the ships were
really amazing and I learnt a lot and saw many countries.
I had th privilige to do many different jobs and I really liked life
as a sailor, but not as an occupation for the rest of my life.
I've always loved ships and the sea, perhaps because my
ancestors in Holland were fisherman...must be something that
runs inthe blood (perhaps that could also explain my dislike of fish)....
When I was a teenager I considered joining the Dutch navy for a while, but I'm happy I never did, because I would have missed out on something that is a lot more fulfilling. As the ships had a big impact on my life I'm sure I'll write more about it sooner or later. Probably more sooner than later.... If you have any nice ship stories you'd like to share, let me know ok!
For more up to date information on the ships just check out the links on the side>>
Warm greetings from Malta,
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yay, my ship! Ah.. how dearly I miss you (the ship). Nice picture btw (by the way). Someday... I'll have a flexible work schedule and will be able to travel.. every-other month. Yep. That's a goal alright. (c:
warm greetings from a cold cali. (c:
At least I added "the story" part quite quickly in this case :)
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