Magnificent Tigers
WOW!!! These are my favorite animals.
I will write more about them later. They are so beautiful.
These two seem to have decided to stick around each other.
Hope you like this awsome picture as much as I do!
I dedicate this one to you Lila ;-)
The reason that these are my favorite animals is that to
me they portray such majesty and gracefulness.
What a beautiful fur they have! Kind of golden-orange
with white patches and black stripes.
They walk swiftly on their huge paws, usually in utter
silence. Nowadays they are almost impossible to find
in the wild. I'm not sure I'd want to meet one in the
wild though ;-) Although I'm sure if I would see one
I'd almost feel like hugging it, but I guess once they
show their huge sharp teeth and claws this feeling
would quickly dissapear!
Tigers are fierce hunters. The biggest member of the
cat family moves through its territory alone and hunts
at night. Using its keen vision and hearing, along with
a powerful sense of smell, the tiger sneaks on its prey
stealthily. Those stripes help to camouflage tigers.
Tigers run extremely fast over short distances and can
leap over 10 feet in a single bound!
They can see 6 times better at night than humans.
After a meal, the tiger has a long drink of water, and an
even longer nap...
Ok, that's all for now.
The Siberian or Amor Tiger; an amazing animal.
I certainly hope we do not need to add it to the list of
extinct species any time soon!
Kind regards,